Range: 2 h lectures per week, 2 h training (exercises) per week, classification mainly by project, 4 or 5 credits. Lectures in a computer classroom (you can try everything immediately). Attendancy is not obligatory, but students must submit solved tasks from training in two weeks (Moodle for 2024). Spring semester only.
E375002: 4 credits, classification only by
project (in time of the last training)
E371087: 5 credits, classification will be
modified approx. +/- one level by examination.
Note: Only E375002 (the undergraduate version)
is now offered to exchange students. If the graduate version (or
just five credits) is required, ask for the re-enrollment to the
second course after the first lecture (students should be
enrolled to E375002 before semester starts, can be changed in the
first two weeks).
Syllabus on the Erasmus & exchange support server (E375002).
Classification: see link for the details.
If anybody miss assesment or creditals, please write to hlavac@fs.cvut.cz. Thanks.
For editing files, I would like to recommend pspad. It can be used without installation, by unzipping of this archive to any directory (for example, desktop). This is an older version without ftp; for use on your notebook, find this program on the internet and install it.
Local web server: If you prefer local solution on your own server, you can install all the programs on your computer (for example, notebook). The complete solution typically means Apache and MySQL in one package (in this case, it contains php interpreter). There are many such packages, for example xampp. If it contains phpMyAdmin, you can use it for the preparation of your database . This package can be used on MS Windows and the Mac; on Linux, you should have complete web server installation in your distribution.
Free web hosting: Try to ask Google about free website php sql. I found 000webhost.com, Zymic.com, www.0fees.net, Free Web Hosting Area, etc.
1. Html, styles
2. Javascript (example: picture preview, traffic lights, rewrite innerHTML)
3. php intro; create your own universal form response for forms debugging.
4. Cookies
5. SQL - the lecture on the DKS subject page
6. SQL in php, part one, universal SQL interface (mysqli, php code only)
8. SQL in php, part three & debug (not tested)
10. php counter:
11. File upload
12. Javascript canvas examples.
13. Javascript "use widget" examples.
Example: User registration (& debug)
Projects presentation, classification. Notes.
Preparation for a seminar: Form validation (not yet tested on students)
More: data from remote server, thermometer example.
tank demo project, anonymized sources.
php & OOP: try to create a graph with JpGraphs.
Javascript example from internet: Quartic equation, another Quartic.
The original name of this course was Web Programming with the code E375002. The E371087 was a part of the Instrumentation and control engineering study plans.
New: Databases moved to a new location.