Programming for web E371087 & E375002, classification

ECTS: 100 points maximum, 80 points from training (project), 20 from final exam:

90 and more A
80 to 89 B
70 to 79 C
60 to 69 D
50 to 59 E

Points from the project (dynamic web page):

project, presented by student typical points E375002 classification
Any dynamic web page  39  E
page with php  41  E, D if innovative
php + JavaScript  51  B-D
php + SQL  49  C-D
php + Javascript + SQL  59  B-C
as previous, with two linked tables in SQL   69  A-C
as previous, with two levels of access  79  A-B
as previous, with user registration  89  A

For more than 65 points, presented work should look as an application (page with login, another with menu, web page for each function).
E375002: the same condition for better then C. Note, that E375002 is an undergraduate level subject.

Moodle tasks:

Every week one simple task is proposed from the actual topics. These tasks substitute attendancy.

For a final grade, at least some number of them must be uploaded in time:

Amin. 10
Bmin. 8
Cmin. 6
Dmin. 4

Final exam:

Each of questions up to ten points.

Note: Using this rules, summarization can be more then 100 points. In this case, student overpassed the range of this subject.