Winter semester database subject:

E375005 Databases, SQL and MS Access

range: 1+2, classified assessment, 3 credits.
Can be extended by E372091, 2 credits, by solving database project (probably in MS Access).

Any other information can be requested or solved tasks can be sent to the address of the teacher:

With the E371079, the E375005 shares the first seven lectures:

1. Databases - Introduction
1a. Table Example
2., 3., 4. SQL and Micka (contains requirements for the assesment)
4a. SQL: users & rights
4b. stored procedures & triggers
5. E-R Diagrams
6.,7. MS Access

E375005 classification: 50% for work from semester, 50% from the test (SQL) (December 16, from 18:00).

On-line literature for the Databases:

Pallaw, Vijay Krishna: Database Management Systems
(this book is available for the Czech Technical University students, using this link, but only from the university computers. It can be read in computer classrooms - for example, room 405a (computers for individual work), or by notebooks in the Technická 4 building in Dejvice using WiFi with user logged into Fsroam.)

Isrd Group: Introduction to Database Management Systems
(can be read from the Google books, with limited pages per day; some of the pages are restricted completely, but they are not needed for our subject).

(both are too extended for the level of this subject)

M. Brydon´s MS Access Tutorial.

Dr. Michael Redmond course materials.

Prof. Rich Holowczak Access Course

Examples for classes:

software: local copy of the Micka installation (see for more information about Micka), putty (for ssh connection to server).


ppt file.