The MS Excel, task 1, proposition

  1. Get the data from the external page (Czech only, a temperature measurement while cooling) and draw the X-Y graph (scatter). Other instructions:
    1. check the correct graph (X-Y, markers only).
    2. insert as an object to actual sheet, expand it to be as big as possible.
    3. marker type should be a cross (+); before choosing the size (7 to 10 points) and type, choose the color (e.g. blue) and background (e.g. white, but different).
    4. add the trend line. Correct is the exponential. Show the trend line equation.
    5. choose a single point (some interesting one) and change its color and the background color (e.g. red and yellow).
    6. set the axes titles, including units (degrees of Centigrade and seconds).
    7. use greek letters for names of axes (see the picture at the end of this page).
    8. check both (horizontal and vertical) gridlines are visible, thin and grey. Horizontal grid per 10 °C.
    9. Get the data from the same external page (will generate different values) and add another data series to the same graph (two cooling processes in one graph).
  1. Get the data from a text file, specidied in the following list. Other instructions:
    1. convert to two columns in Excel..
    2. draw the both lines to one graph.

    Depending on the last number of your student's ID (CTU ISIC card ID), select the correct two files from the table:

    last number
    of ID:
    1st file: 2nd file:
    0 x0.txt z0.txt
    1 x1.txt z1.txt
    2 x2.txt z2.txt
    3 x3.txt z3.txt
    4 x4.txt z4.txt
    5 x5.txt z5.txt
    6 x6.txt z6.txt
    7 x7.txt z7.txt
    8 x8.txt z8.txt
    9 x9.txt z9.txt



Solution of the first task from the Czech course: